R 85.00

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Category: SKU: 9781846250880



If Christians were to vote for their favourite Bible character, Barnabas would surely be in the top ten. Most of us feel drawn to this warm-hearted disciple, who so wonderfully lives up to his name, ‘Son of Encouragement’. In these character studies based on passages in Acts, Robert Dale helps us to appreciate—and encourages us to imitate—this wonderful man, who himself is a reflection of a still greater Man, our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest Encourager of all.

Robert Dale is pastor of Lincoln Evangelical Church, in the East of England. Converted at the age of twenty-two, he worked for seventeen years in the City of London, before becoming pastor of a small Baptist church in Surrey in 1988; he moved to Lincoln in 2002. He and his wife, Jane, have a son, Jonathan, and a daughter, Hannah.

This is a very uplifting book. Here you will find copious investigation, studious exposition and judicious application from the Biblical record of a generous man so full of Christ that he was a constant encouragement to the church. What more could you ask for?’
—(John Benton, editor, Evangelicals Now, and author)

‘It is easy to underestimate the apostle Barnabas, who is overshadowed by his fellow worker, the apostle Paul. Robert Dale’s study displays Barnabas’ godly character, increases our appreciation of his role in the growth of the New Testament church, and draws numerous insights of application for personal godliness and the work of the ministry. Recommended for pastors and lay readers.’
—Les Bollinger, Pastor, Beaver Baptist Church, Beaver, Pennsylvania