R 245.00

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Category: SKU: 9781601784490



intercessory prayer for His people is a masterpiece of Puritan experiential doctrine. Mining the depths of John 17:24, Traill discovers the comforts of the doctrine of election, the blessing of our hope of heaven, and the believer s delight in the glory of Christ all founded on the immovable love of the Father for His Son. Traill’s exposition is full of practical application, careful to address both believers and unbelievers alike.

Table of Contents:
1. The Introduction
2. The Matter of Christ’s Prayer
3. Christ Knows Those Who Are Given to Him
4. Christ’s Heart Is Set on the Bliss of All Whom the Father Has Given Him
5. The Blessing for Which Christ Prays
6. The Perfect Blessedness of the People of God
7. Four Marvelous Things about Salvation
8. The Application of the Doctrines
9. Why Christ Desires This Blessing
10. The Glory of Christ
11. Christ’s Glory in Representing God to Us
12. Christ’s Glory in Representing Us to God
13. Why Christ Prays for This Blessingl’s tre
14. The First Exhortation to Believers
15. The Second Exhortation to Believers
16. Beholding Christ’s Glory
17. The Father’s Love for the Son