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Category: SKU: 9781846250927



Simon Peter is one of Scripture’s most fascinating characters. Plucked from obscurity to be a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, he embarked on a journey that featured both stunning failures and impressive triumphs. Through it all, he was sustained and helped by the grace of God. He rises from the pages of Scripture to assure us that the same grace is sufficient for us. No one can ever fall so far as to be beneath the reach of that grace or rise so high as no longer to need it.

Roger Ellsworth has served as pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois, since 1988. He is the author of some thirty books, including Opening up Philippians, Opening up Psalms, People in the Passion of Jesus, and Face2face with Samuel, all published by Day One. He has also served as President of the Illinois Baptist State Association and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Too often people do not see the real humanity of biblical characters and fail to see the connections between various parts of Scripture. Roger Ellsworth helps to address these issues in his compelling study of Simon Peter. When one traces the references to Peter through the Gospels, Acts and the letters of Paul and Peter himself, it helps not only in understanding Peter but also in seeing the unity of Scripture. This book is accessible yet rich in thought and application.
—Ray Van Neste, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Studies Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Jackson, Tennessee

It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I recommend this book to every Christian reader who struggles with failure. Peter was a man who failed miserably, but he was also a man who was changed mightily by the grace of God. In his easy-to-read style, Roger Ellsworth takes the reader into the life of this bold fisherman and shows us how Jesus brought hope and forgiveness to a man deeply wounded by his own failures. Peter’s life and ministry are powerful reminders of the tender grace of God that offers hope to hurting people who have failed the Lord. May this book bless and encourage its readers as it has done to me.
—Bill Savage, Pastor of St. Clair Southern Baptist Church, St. Clair, Missouri