R 435.00

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Category: SKU: 9781601782915



Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults is a three-volume series consisting of thirty chapters which contain explanations of all major biblical doctrines. Volume 1 contains chapters 1 10; volume 2, chapters 11 20; and volume 3, chapters 21 30.

Each of these books is written in a clear, precise, and easy-to-read style. The series includes hundreds of informative charts and illustrative stories. It incorporates the Reformed doctrinal standards, numerous discussion questions, term definitions, and catechism questions and answers for memorization from Abraham Hellenbroek’s A Specimen of Divine Truths. The books were written for home personal or family reading; school Bible doctrine teaching; and church catechetical instruction.

May the Lord richly bless this means of instruction in His eternal, scriptural truths to both teens and young adults, to the honor and glory of His most worthy name.
Table of Contents:
1. God’s Essence, God’s Names, God’s Attributes
2. God’s Revelation – General and Special, God’s Word – Its Inspiration and Completion
3. The Bible – Its Ancient History, Translations, Infallibility, and Qualities – False Religions
4. The Trinity, God’s Decree, Predestination
5. God’s Creation, Theory of Evolution, Angels
6. God’s Providence
7. The Creation of Man, The Image of God, Man’s Soul and Body, The Covenant of Works
8. The Fall of Man, Sin, Death
9. The Covenant of Grace
10. The Mediator, The Natures of Jesus Christ, The Names of Jesus Christ