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Category: SKU: 9780989042406




Available as an audiobook. Visit for details. An experiment about wind from Dr. Jay Wile’s book Science in the Beginning

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Book Review

What Dr Jay has done for us here is something that I am bursting with excitement about. He has compiled a curriculum that is for the elementary years covering the seven days of creation.

Let me jump right in here and read to you the first line of the first lesson.

Lesson number one, Let There Be Light. To start this lesson you should have Genesis 1 verses 2 and 3 memorised, especially the part about darkness and let there be light. The earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters then God said, Let there be light, and there was light.

This gives you a wonderful example of how this curriculum continues. Dr Jay is speaking to the parent in this book, for the parent to share with their child. It starts with light in this particular instance and the first day of creation, but then proceeds all the way through the other seven days of creation. The way it is laid out is similar to the Apologia books that Dr. Jay wrote for the higher education years. So what we have here is at an elementary level and covering science broadly.

He has made it so user friendly for the parent. The book includes red activities are for older children to challenge them a bit. All the activities in black are for elementary years (up to around age 12) but if you are wanting to advance that particular activity, he has given more advanced opportunities for older children. This means that you can use this one book for all your elementary years! By the time you are finished, you have actually taught your children about the seven days of creation and introduced it to them on a scientific level. The most important lesson learned is the discovery of God as our Master Creator.

To give you an example of the content in this book, there is a photograph that Dr Jay took while visiting the South African Cape. It says, I took this picture when I was in Cape Town, South Africa. While the picture is pretty I can tell you that it does not do the scene justice because my eyes detect light much better than the camera does. The detailed lesson that follows teaches us to appreciate light, and that what God has created is a gift. The natural talent that God is using through Dr. Jay Wile shares with us parents to help science become alive and something that we need not be afraid of. Science is actually very exciting and we can embrace and help our children be excited about it. Dr Jay helps us to teach them about their Creator, as He created them precious in His sight.


This set consists of: A Textbook (317 pages) & a Helps and Hints book (52 pages)

Science in the Beginning is the first book in a hands-on, multilevel elementary science series that introduces scientific concepts using history as its guide. The beginning of history is given in the Bible’s creation account, and this book uses the days of creation as a way of introducing a wide range of scientific concepts including the nature of:

  • Light
  • Energy Conservation
  • Properties of air and water
  • Introductory botany
  • Our solar system
  • Basic zoology
  • Aspects of human anatomy and physiology

As the students learn about these scientific concepts, they are constantly reminded of the Creator who fashioned the marvels they are studying.

The Helps and Hints book containing everything the parent/teacher needs to know for the subject. Also included are tests and answer keys if you want to administer tests on the material.

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