R 295.00

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Category: SKU: 9781601784599



Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life is John Brown of Wamphray’s most practical, experiential work. It provides spiritual counsel on living the Christian life as it ought to be lived—centering on Christ, mortifying sin, loving the souls of others, and glorifying God. This classic reprint excels in teaching believers how to make use of Christ in a variety of ways on a daily basis.

Table of Contents: 

  1. The Introduction with Some General Observations from the Cohesion
  2. Of the Words Themselves in General
  3. How Christ Is the Way in General: “I Am the Way”
  4. How Christ Is Made Use of for Justification As a Way
  5. How Christ Is to Be Made Use of As the Way for Sanctification in General
  6. How Christ Is to Be Made Use of in Reference to the Killing and Crucifying of the Old Man
  7. How Christ Is to Be Made Use of in Reference to Growing in Grace
  8. How to Make Use of Christ for Taking the Guilt of Our Daily Out-Breakings Away
  9. How to Make Use of Christ for Cleansing of Us from Our Daily Spots
  10. “The Truth”: Some Particulars Proposed
  11. More Particulars in What Respect Christ Is Called the Truth
  12. Some General Uses from This Useful Truth That Christ Is the Truth
  13. How to Make Use of Christ As the Truth for Growth in Knowledge
  14. How to Make Use of Christ As Truth for Comfort When Truth Is Oppressed and Borne Down
  15. How to Make Use of Christ for Steadfastness in a Time When Truth Is Oppressed and Borne Down
  16. How to Make Use of Christ As the Truth When Error Prevails and the Spirit of Error Carries Many Away
  17. How to Make Use of Christ As the Truth That We May Get Our Case and Condition Cleared Up to Us
  18. How We Will Make Use of Christ As the Truth That We May Win to Right and Suitable Thoughts of God
  19. “And the Life”: How Christ Is the Life
  20. Some General Uses
  21. How to Make Use of Christ As the Life When the Believer Is So Sitten-Up in the Ways of God That He Can Do Nothing
  22. How Christ Is to Be Made Use of As Our Life in Case of Heartlessness and Fainting through Discouragements
  23. How to Make Use of Christ As the Life When the Soul Is Dead As to Duty
  24. How Will the Soul Make Use of Christ As the Life Which Is under the Prevailing Power of Unbelief and Infidelity
  25. How Christ Is Made Use of As the Life by One That Is So Dead and Senseless As He Cannot Know What to Judge of Himself or His Own Case, Except What Is Naught
  26. How Is Christ As the Life to Be Applied by a Soul That Misses God’s Favor and Countenance
  27. How Will One Make Use of Christ As the Life When Wrestling with an Angry God because of Sin
  28. Now Man Comes to the Father but by Me
  29. How Should We Make Use of Christ in Going to the Father in Prayer and Other Acts of Worship


“Would you learn the art of continually fleeing to Christ by faith for your justification and sanctification? Read and reread this precious volume, filled with experiential truth, and learn about how to go to Christ continually for every spiritual need. Use it as a devotional gem, and pray for the Holy Spirit to grant you, by faith, a growing, daily dependence on Christ. Here is biblical, Reformed, Puritan spirituality at its best.” – Joel R. Beeke, president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

About the Author

John Brown of Wamphray (c. 1610–1679) was a Scottish minister who was imprisoned for opposing episcopal rule and subsequently exiled to the Netherlands.

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