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Category: SKU: 9781903087954



In an increasingly secular world, the personal and social benefits of Sabbath-keeping are being lost to us more and more. But the church and not just the world is finding it increasingly difficult to defend the traditional view that the fourth commandment is still binding on us, and that God wants us to honour the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, as a Christian Sabbath. This book examines some of the issues raised in this debate, and argues that for the Christian believer, the Sabbath principle is one which is still binding, relevant, necessary and beneficial.

Rev Dr Iain D Campbell is pastor of Back Free Church of Scotland on the Isle of Lewis. He contributes regularly to several theological journals. His wife, Anne, is a teacher, and they have three children.

‘Dr Campbell’s book is a joy to read. It is well written and easy to understand.’
—Dr Joel Beeke

‘The person who digests Iain D. Campbell’s work on the Sabbath will get more than just an excellent, exegetically based treatment of the Lord’s Day. The author carefully explores the significance of the Sabbath from creation to consummation, from Eden to Heaven. He also provides a good service to the Church by interacting with false views of the Sabbath.’
—Dr O Palmer Robertson.