R 40.00

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Category: SKU: 9781601786067



Every true believer lives to the glory of God and should desire to grow, develop, and make progress in spirituality. In this booklet, Maurice Roberts guides us through this spiritual growth and development with practical guidance for fostering heavenly-mindedness and spiritual conversation. The more we grow in heavenly-mindedness, the more we will shine as lights in this dark world. And the more we aim to promote God-honoring conversation, the more we will be seen to walk in the steps of our master Jesus Christ, of whom it was truly said, ‘Never man spake like this man’ (John 7:46).

Table of Contents:
What Is Heavenly-Mindedness?
Growing in Heavenly-Mindedness
The Place of the Moral Law
Spiritual Conversation

Series Description
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that what the church needs to do most all is ‘to begin herself to live the Christian life. If she did that, men and women would be crowding into our buildings. They would say, What is the secret of this?’ As Christians, one of our greatest needs is for the Spirit of God to cultivate biblical godliness in us in order to put the beauty of Christ on display through us, all to the glory of the triune God. With this goal in mind, this series of booklets treats matters vital to Christian experience at a basic level. Each booklet addresses a specific question in order to inform the mind, warm the affections, and transform the whole person by the Spirit’s grace, so that the church may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.