R 75.00

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Category: SKU: 9781934885963



It’s All About Me: The Problem with Masturbation


“It’s normal; everybody does it.” “It’s a harmless escape. Nobody’s getting hurt.” These are some of the first things that may come to your mind if you are someone who indulges in sexual fantasies or masturbation. And while it certainly is “normal” in the sense that almost everyone struggles with this type of sexual sin to some degree, it is not harmless.

Ask Christie1 who just found out that her husband has been looking at pornography on the Inter-net for months. She feels betrayed, deeply hurt, and wonders how she’ll ever trust him again. And she can’t help wondering what’s wrong with her. If her husband chooses to look at other women, then she must be lacking something.

Ask Robert who realizes now that every minute he spent escaping into his fantasy world was a minute he didn’t spend building healthy relationships with his wife and children. He treated them more like inconveniences—interruptions to the life of comfort and ease he wanted—than family. He tuned out the stressful demands of family life and found escape in sexual fantasy and pornography. Now he is estranged from his children, and his marriage is in shambles.