R 75.00

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Category: SKU: 9781934885499



What started as an innocent diet has turned into a monster. You eat too little. You eat too much. You restrict. You binge. Some days you wish you could just forget about food. Can someone like you ever learn to eat normally? In CCEFs Eating Disorders: The Quest for Thinness, Edward T. Welch describes how easy it is, in a weight-conscious world that also uses food for comfort, to take the small steps that lead to a full-blown eating disorder. The way out is by understanding the thoughts and emotions that trigger your eating habits, and then taking the big step of trusting God, instead of your food rules and rituals.

All the minibooks in our Christian bookstore offer gospel-centered hope for everyday issues like parenting, marriage, and personal change. These easy-to-read discipleship and biblical counseling resources tackle lifes toughest issues in 30 minutes or less. Minibooks are frequently used by pastors and ministry leaders to help others apply biblical wisdom to specific life issues. Churches, biblical counseling ministries, and missional organizations make the minibooks available in their acrylic display cases to further discipleship and gospel-centered living.