R 100.00

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Category: SKU: 9781846252037



How we manage our family finances is always an important issue, but is particularly topical given the West’s financial crisis. As Christians, our lives should demonstrate different values from those of the world around us, so what should our financial priorities be? How should we plan financially for the future? Should we ever get into debt? In this thoroughly practical book designed for the layperson, John Temple describes the secular economic order of the Western world and then establishes biblical principles of home finance. Practical advice in areas such as debt, choosing a home, buying a car, insurance, and pensions, is supplemented by tables and downloadable spreadsheets.

Dr John Temple grew up in South Africa where he obtained a degree in electrical engineering. He obtained a Ph.D. from King’s College, London in physics and control theory followed later by an AEP (MBA equivalent) from the University of South Africa. From an engineering and scientific background, he moved into management, progressing to various Director, Managing Director or Chairman positions over a thirty-year period. His last full-time job was as Chief Executive of Plessey Corporation, a listed company with offices or subsidiaries in eight countries, including South Africa, the UK, Australia and South East Asia. After retiring from full-time work, he founded a computer company with offices in South Africa, the UK and the USA.

Ever since his teenage years, he has been a keen student and teacher of practical theology, endeavouring to reconcile his Christian world view with his daily work. He has held positions of leadership in churches in ministries ranging from youth work to eldership. He currently lives with his wife, Yvonne, in the New Forest in England, now retired but still working. He is author of two other books published by Day One.

‘I am thankful for Temple’s book. Here is a man who loves God, loves the wisdom of the Word and is zealous to help you build a biblical worldview of your money and how you use it. What is even better is that he will not only challenge the motives of your heart and tell you how to think, he will also tell you what to do.’
—Paul David Tripp, author of Age of Opportunity.

‘Did you ever long for a simple, short, wise guide from a Christian perspective on how to handle family finances? John Temple has provided it in ‘Family Finances’, which covers the basics of biblical views on stewardship, heart-motivation, and generosity, as well as practical advice about living within your means, establishing a family budget, and addressing questions related to investments, insurance, debt, and much more. This little book is packed full of biblical principles and practicalities from a brother who lives what he writes.’
—Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

‘I started adulthood with no emotional scars, self confidence, a Biblical worldview, the ability to figure things out for myself, money management skills and so much more…’
—Meryl-Ann (USA); Computer programmer, entrepreneur, home educator and mother of four

‘I have had the privilege of watching my parents over 40 something years live out the principles outlined in this book. It is one thing to pen words and quite another to consistently put them into practice …’
—Lynne (USA) Occupational therapist, manager and mother of two

‘Buy it, read it, implement the principles! I thank God I was taught these principles from when I was young and so today my family is debt free – we are now teaching our children the same lessons.’
—David (USA) Accountant, President of a computer company and father of five

‘Learning about finance you can do at university, learning about how to handle money as a Christian you need to be taught at home. I learnt it at home and this book will help you teach your children the same principles.’
—Peter (London) Actuary, CEO of a large re-insurance company and father of three