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Category: SKU: 9781936760350



Every Christian faces numerous discouragements in striving to follow Christ. Our knees go weak and our hands hang down when we face personal failure, when others let us down, or when providence denies our desires. Disappointment can lead to discouragement, and discouragement may end in doubt, fear, and even despair. We feel weak and tire, emotionally and spiritually, and we are tempted to throw in the towel. But we must press on, firm in the confidence that we run alongside other believers, that we run a well-trodden course, and that we run with God’s inexhaustible assistance and support. May God use this book to strengthen you and keep you running in the race until you reach the goal, obtain the prize, and receive your crown from the hand of Christ in glory!

Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D. Westminster Theological Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, and author of numerous books.

Paul M. Smalley (Th.M. Puritan Reformed Seminary) is a Teacher’s Assistant for Dr. Beeke

“’Don’t settle for being a spiritual shrimp,’ argues Dr. Beeke. The pity is that too many modern Christians are opting for shrimpishly small degrees of grace. Indwelling sin drags the careless believer down into guilty backsliding. This book is a prescription for the believer who feels his guilt.”- Maurice Roberts, Greyfriars Congregation, Inverness, Scotland; former editor, Banner of Truth magazine.

“Dr. Beeke, like the spiritual physician he is, exposes to us the reasons why backsliding happens and how God is His grace maps out for us the way back to spiritual health. This is a book for all Christians, certainly not only for those who are in the sad state of backsliding. Prevention is always better than cure.” – Rev. Ian Hamilton, Minister, Cambridge Presbyterian Church, England