R 140.00

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Category: SKU: 9781903087343



‘The most excellent man our country has produced’ is how John Knox has been described. His clear vision for Scotland’s need for reformation in the sixteenth century, and his fiery outspoken criticism of error and corruption, many times almost cost him his life. More than once Knox caused royalty to tremble and reduced it to tears, yet his courage, integrity and determination changed the course of Scottish history. As you trace his life, you will appreciate the vital legacy that he left to this northern part of the kingdom.

David Campbell, a Scot by birth, was pastor of a church in the north of England for several years before he was called to serve at the Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle, PA. He is married and has two daughters.

This attractive book designed to slip easily into a pocket or bag, to keep handy as you journey from suggested site to suggested site, is just as useful to the armchair traveller. An excellent biography of Knox is interspersed with information about the times and places that he was closely associated with. These are liberally illustrated with old prints and modern photographs, and the whole book brought this amazing man’s live and times alive for me. GoodBookStalll Review – 07/03/2005 – Mary Bartholomew