Dear Customers,
Our ‘new releases’ table is overflowing with all sorts of good new stuff. So much so that we can’t feature all the pics. One usually tells a book by it’s cover, but the contents page of Philip Henry’s Christ All in All tells of all the good stuff inside! The chapter headings start with Christ is our Foundation and go on with Christ is our food, the root, our raiment, the head, our hope, our refuge, our righteousness. It makes your heart sing and that’s just a few of the 41 chapter headings. Read the full list and the biographical preface at .
New books from Reformaton Heritage and Soli Deo Gloria:
- Christ All in All, What Christ is Made to Believers by Philip Henry. Hardcover; 365pp; R215.
- Feathers for Arrows, Illustrations for Preachers and Teachers by Charles H Spurgeon. Paperback; 280pp; R115.
- Peter Martyr Vermigli by Simonetta Carr. Hardcover; 64pp; R140
- The Christian’s only Comfort if Life and Death, An exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism by Theodorus Vandergroe. Hardcover; 2 volume set; 1104pp; R460.
- Meet Martin Luther, A Sketch of the reformer’s Life by Anthony T Selvaggio. Paperback pocket book; 155pp; R60
- A Spiritual Treasury for the children of God by William Mason. Hardcover; 756p’ R230.
- Finding Forgiveness, Discovering the Healing Power of the Gospel by Stanley D Gale. Paperback; 120pp; R80.
- Morning Thoughts by Octavius Winslow; Hardcover; 548pp; R230..
- The Deacon, Biblical Foundations for Today’s Ministry of Mercy by Cornelis van Dam. Paperback; 253p; R140.
- Time and the End of Time by John Fox. Hardcover; 156pp; R190
- Family Worship Bible Guide by Joel Beeke et al. Hardover 856pp; R150. Imitation leather; 856pp; R230.
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ by Paul Washer. Booklet; 28pp; R25.
- Who is Jesus?, Knowing Christ through his “I Am” Sayings by J V Fesko. Paperback; 93pp; R80.
- 1 Peter, 2 Peter and Jude, Steadfast in the Faith by Sarah Ivill. A bible study. Paperback; large format; 180pp; R115.
- The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the NT. This is a new series written by Reformed scholars and edited by Jon D Payne. All hardcover. Titles currently available:
- 1 Corinthians by Kim Riddlebarger. 475pp; 310.
- Revelation by Joel Beeke. 601pp; R305.
- Hebrews by David McWilliams. 408pp; R305.
- Galatians by J V Fesko. 209pp; R230.
- Cultivating Biblical Godliness booklet series. All R25. Now 18 titles available:
- Why should I be Interested in Church history? by Joel Beeke & Michael Haykin. 34pp.
- How should I manage Time? by Ryan MacGraw. 24pp.
- How can I Practice Christian Meditation? by Joel Beeke. 41pp.
- How Can I Grow in Holiness by Reading the Old Testament? by Michael Barrett. 39pp.
- How Can We Plant Godly Convictions in our Children? by Joel Beeke.34pp.
- How Can Justification Make Me Joyful? by Daniel Hyde. 29pp.
New from Reformation Trust ( Ligonier):
- Learning to Love the Psalms by W Robert Godfrey. Hardcover; 275pp; R175
- A Little Book on the Christian Life by John Calvin. Paperback; 132pp; R75.
- A Time for Confidence, Trusting God in a Post-Christian Society by Stephen Nichols. Paperback; 150pp; R90.
- None Other, Discovering the God of the Bible by John MacArthur. Hardcover; 135pp; R140.
New from Shepherd Press:
- Everyday talk about Sex & Marriage, A Biblical Handbook for Parents by John A Younts. 80pp; R90
- Lifeline Mini-books. Pocket booklet series. All R36; all about 60pp:
- Help! I’m so Lonely by Deborah Howard.
- Help! My Teen is Rebellious by Dave & Judi Coats.
- Help! I’m Living with terminal Illness by Reggie Weems.
- Help! I want to Model Submission in Marriage by Glenda Hotton.
- Help! My Kids are Viewing Pornography by Tim Challies.
- Help! I’m Drowning in Debt by John Temple.
- Help! I’m Confused about Dating by Joel James.