Post office go-slow

Dear Customers, After dropping off a batch of parcels at the post office today, I was told that there was no certainty of the usual delivery speed as the workers were on a go-slow – no increase in 3 years! I recommend that you opt for courier delivery if you need your books in a…

June stock-take closure

  Dear Customers, Advance notice: June is stock-take month. Last year we did a rolling stock-take keeping the shop open for business, but this year we need to shut the shop and make sure that we do an accurate count of every item. It used to be a day’s work, but we have grown so much…

Practical Theology

Reformation Heritage Books has it right. Many of their books are an in-depth study of Puritan literature, but this is not an end in itself. Other book titles indicate that their knowledge of the Puritans is applied and made practical. This is reflected in the Cultivating Biblical Godliness booklet series as well as their books. What…

New Rose Resources

Dear Customers, It has been a month since the last newsletter. We have been so busy and, in addition, our young assistant, Mignon, was married last week 🙂 – wedding preparations superseded then the newsletter. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New publisher: We have pleasure in informing you that we have added a new publisher to…

All Things New

  Dear Customers, No topical chat this week. The list of new books and a few house-keeping notes, make this letter long enough. There has been a flurry of activity from publishers and there are many new titles available. And there are more to come – every time we place an order, we find that…

The Gift of Hope

  Dear Customers, After the last newsletter about advertising, Valentine’s Day is going to be a case in point. Back-to-school advertising is done, so the next commercial onslaught is Valentine’s Day. It’s all very festive when all the shops are decorated in red, but of course, it’s all a lure to buy more. There’s nothing…

Wants and Needs

  Dear Customers, Last year on the way to bible study, I heard segment of the Money Show on 702. The host was interviewing a woman who was badly in debt and decided to do something about it. She not only succeeded in getting her finances right, but wrote a book on the subject too.…


  Dear Customers, Wishing you all a fruitful year ahead in the service of our Lord. We had a good break, but the first day back at work was so energy-sapping hot that I can’t say we were “raring to go”. Now that it has cooled down a bit, we can say, “at your service”…