25-Pack | 25 tracts in one pack |
BBX | Bargain Books |
BL | Bonded Leather |
CM | College Material ( books specially ordered for colleges/students; not necessarily books we would usually stock or endorse) |
Dig. Repr. | Digital Reprint |
ED | Edition (in title). Editor (in author) |
H/C or HC | Hardcover (used next to the title when there are other covers for the same title) |
LP | Large Print |
O/P | Out of print |
O/S | Out of stock at the supplier |
P/B | Paperback |
POD | Print on demand (usually a digital reprint – more expensive) |
TI | Thumb Index |
For those who like to know what other books are available in a series, we have used the following abbreviations: | |
Commentary Series | |
AOTC | Apollos Old Testament Commentary (IVP) |
BECNT | Baker Exegetical commentary on the New Testament |
BST | Bible Speaks Today (UVP UK) |
CCC | Crossway Classic Commentary |
EGGNT | Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (B&H) |
EPSC | Evangelical Press Study Commentary |
FOTB | Focus on the Bible (Christian Focus Publications) |
MNTC | MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Moody Press) |
NAC | New American Commentary (B&H) |
NICNT | New International Commentary New Testament (Eerdmans) |
NICOT | New International Commentary Old Testament (Eerdmans) |
NIVAC | NIV Application Commentary (Zondervan) |
NTC | New Testament Commentary (William Hendrickson books from Banner) |
PNTC | Pillar New Testament Commentary (IVP UK) |
PTW | Preaching The Word (Crossway Books) |
RCS | Reformation Commentary on Scripture (IVP UK) |
REC | Reformed Expository Commentary (P&R Publishing) |
TNTC | Tyndale New Testament Commentary (IVP UK) |
TOTC | Tyndale Old Testament Commentary (IVP UK) |
UBCS | Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Baker Books) |
WCS | Welwyn Commentary Series (Evangelical Press) |
ZECNT | Zondervan Exegetical Greek New Testament |
General series | |
CBG | Cultivating Biblical Godliness (Reformation Heritage Books) |
CCT | Contours of Christian Theology (IVP UK) |
CRS | Classics of Reformed Spirituality (Reformation Heritage Books) |
GAOT | Gospel According to the Old Testament (P&R Publishing) |
HCB | Hendrickson Classic Biography |
HCC | Hendrickson Christian Classics |
IBS | Interactive Bible Study (Matthias Media) |
LWBS | Living Word Bible Studies (P&R Publishing) |
NSBT | New Studies in Bible Theology (IVP UK) |
PP | Pocket Puritan (Banner of Truth) |
PRS | Profiles in Reformed Spirituality (Reformation Heritage Books) |
STH | Science through History |
Booklets | |
BOTF | Basics of the Faith (P&R Publishing) |
CAHQ | Christian Answers to Hard Questions (P&R Publishing) |
CCEF | Christian Counselling Foundation Education (New Growth Press) |
FBC | Faith Biblical Counseling (New Growth Press) |
FBC | Faith Biblical Counseling (New growth Press) |
FL | Faithful Learning (P&R Publishing) |
GRL | Gospel for Real Life (P&R Publishing) |
CBG | Cultivating Biblical Godliness (Reformation Heritage Books) |
RBL | Resources for Biblical Living (P&R Publishing) |
WHM | World Harvest Mission (New Growth Press) |
WTDW | What to do when… (New Growth Press) |
Children’s Series | |
BA | Bible Alive (Children’s Bible character series from Christian Focus) |
BT | Bible Time (Children’s Bible character series from Christian Focus) |
BW | Bible Wise (Children’s Bible character series from Christian Focus) |
CBYR | Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Reformation Heritage Books) |
FF | Faith Finders (Day One Publishers) |
HIL | Herein is Love: A Commentary Series for Children Shepherd Press) |
RCB | Rainbow Colouring Book (Day One Publishers) |
RiB | Risk Bearers (Christian Focus Publications) |
ToB | Torch Bearers (Christian Focus Publications) |
TrB | Trail Blazers (Christian Focus Publications) |
WWB | What we Believe (A worldview series from Apologia) |
AIO | Adventures in Odyssey (Focus on the Family) |
Where books contain the name of the series in the title or where there is space to add the series name at the end of a title, we have not included abbreviations for the series. |