Dear Customers,
We take great delight in watching our children and grandchildren grow up – first steps, first words, first time on a bike without fairy-wheels, first anything! We know that our children will one day master all the levels of development, yet every new skill along the way fascinates and pleases us. Parenting is hard work, but it’s a joy to watch our children progress.
We in turn are children of the living God. Do we bring joy to his heart because we are making progress? The fact that we are encouraged in scripture to run the race, means that we are to get beyond crawling and baby steps. Can you look back and see your spiritual milestones and know that you are growing in the faith?
I have come across some people who know their bibles fairly well, but have no clue how to apply scripture to their everyday lives. They make poor decisions or suffer unduly because they are ignorant of the guidance available in God’s Word. Perhaps they lack instruction. They are crawling along! We need to help such brothers and sisters get onto their feet to start walking. Just as a parent encourages a child along the way, so we need to help our fellow Christians to eat the meat of scripture to grow up.
To this end, I heartily recommend the Puritan writers – they have such a rich knowledge of God and scripture and their writings are pastoral and full of encouragement. I remember reading Flavel’s Mystery of Providence. He goes into great detail to show that every aspect of our lives is purposed by God and not accidental. It was so encouraging. But we can’t keep such encouragement to ourselves. We need to pass it on so that when we grow, we encourage others to grow too. Christian fellowship is a valuable and powerful gift from God. May we use it purposefully, so that he can delight on our progress towards heaven.
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New from Crossway:
- Exploring the Bible, A Bible Reading Plan for Kids by David Murray. Paperback, lay-flat format; 224pp; R125.
- Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World by Thomas S Schreiner. Paperback; 144pp; R125.
- ESV Journaling Psalter. Single column paragraph format with ruled journaling page opposite every page of Psalms. Bonded leather; 518 pp; R245. Also in stock: ESV Journaling Bible Writer’s Edition. Hardcover; 1264pp; R300.
- ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible. Hardcover; 1904pp; R340. For details:
- How to Read and Understand the Biblical Prophets, A Concise Guide to Reading the Prophetic books by Peter Gentry. Paperback; 144pp; R150.
- Making all Things New, Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken by David Powlison. This book offers guidance to those who have been sexually immoral as well as those who have been sexual victims. Paperback; 128pp; R100.
- Uncomfortable, The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community by Brett McCracken. Paperback; 224pp; R130.
- Be Still, My Soul, 25 Classic and Contemporary Readings on the Problem of Pain edited by Nancy Guthrie. Contributors include Joni Eareckson Tada, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Corrie ten Boom, John Calvin, J. I. Packer, John Piper, Jerry Bridges, R. C. Sproul, Charles H. Spurgeon, Helen Roseveare, John Newton and more. Paperback; 176pp; R105.
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SALE: Our annual sale runs from Saturday, 25th Nov till Saturday, 9th Dec.
What will be on sale:
- Most out of print titles: sadly, some of our publishers had have some financial difficulties and are unable to reprint some of their titles. As we can no longer get these titles, we want to take them off the inventory list; hence the reduced price to sell them off.
- Some old gems. We have some good old titles that people don’t usually buy because the cover doesn’t look very appealing to the modern buyer. A not-so-modern cover does not mean that the content is not worthwhile. These oldies will be marked down.
- Bought-in bargain books: we have bought some books in especially for the sale. We have tried to get some good books in that are under R100 and we have a few that are R50 or less. Once again, we have bought in the Classics of the Faith Journal (R50) and the ESV 2-pack paperback will still be available for R50. I will feature some of these bargain books in the next newsletter.
- Regular stock markdowns: We will go around the shop and select a few books from every category to mark down. As our books are already discounted, this means that the sale books will be virtually at cost. Supplying a selection of books at extra discount is our way of saying thank you for your support over the years.
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Year-end closure: a reminder that our last trading day for the year will be Friday, 22rd Dec. We will re-open on Monday, 8th Jan 2018.
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