Why do we do what we do? |
Newsletter march 2017 |
Dear Customers, After more than 2 months of silence from me, the first order of business is thanks. We sincerely thank you for your support. Last year was a record year and these last two months have been inordinately, hectically, gloriously busy too. It’s not about the sales – all profit gets ploughed back into buying new stock – it’s about the number of books that have gone out to feed souls. I trust that every book that you have read yourself or given away has been of eternal value. When I sit at home alone, working on my days off, pushing through the summer heat that saps my energy and trying to sort through the myriad of details that constitues this job, I ask myself: “Why am I doing this?”. My situation is not unnique. It’s the same with any job. Why do we do what we do? What is our motivation that pushes us through the busy times, the hard times, the slow times and the everyone’s-on-my-case times? We all have different skills and different callings, but, if we are in Christ, we have this in common: the desire to please Christ in whatever we do. All our jobs work together for the good of society as a whole, but we who are in Christ are called to a higher purpose. We are to do all things well. Our Saviour gave his all for us. May he enable us to give our all for him, not as a task, but as a privilege to serve. MegaVoice: MegaVoice provides solar-powered audio bibles in variety of languages. People who cannot read can now hear Scripture in their own language. For more information visit http://www.megavoice.co.za/ or call Johan on 012 993 0614. MegaVoice has an office next to Augustine Bookroom on the property of Constantia Park Baptist Church.
Home Education: This year we have expanded our offerings for home educating parents. Story of the World has always been a very poplular curriculum choice, so we have now added First Language Lessons from the same publishers.
Some other new titles: